



No DLC Planned For Bastion

No DLC Planned For Bastion


Sorry, Bastion fans, it looks like your single playthrough of this storybook dungeon crawler won’t be changing much. In a recent interview, Supergiant Games’ Greg Kasavin elaborated on Bastion’s development process and future plans. Unfortunately, the development team has no desire to create DLC for Bastion. Here’s the news straight from Kasavin’s transcribed mouth:

“We have no plans to extend the game in that way. As I was saying before, we held nothing back. It’s meant to be a complete story, so there are no obvious extensions. We of course intend to continue supporting the game and I guess you could call something like the Portal turrets DLC. We’ll continue looking at things like that which we could do, but that’s it.”

At least this lack of DLC is happening for all the right reasons. There aren’t many developers these days that look at creating a complete game independent of DLC. So it’s a good thing that mindset continues to survive in a day and age where a complete game can run you 100 bucks or more after DLC. Then again, the disappointment coming from the fan community might be a sign that DLC isn’t all that bad after all. More game is always a good thing, right?

By Angelo M. D’Argenio

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