



Paragon Now Free to Play for Everyone

Paragon Now Free to Play for Everyone

Paragon is a one of the more interesting new MOBAs to come out in recent months. In a sea of cartoony, visually-homogeneous, three-lane copy-cats, Epic’s offering stands out as the prettier, more mature option. The heroes are varied, and all have interesting abilities, but something about the game didn’t sit right with me when I tried it out back in May. It has been in early access since March, though, and even since I played in May Epic has detailed a long list of changes and improvements. It’s very likely a different game by now.

If you’d like to try Paragon for yourself, Epic has finally decided to open it up to the public and enter into the open beta phase. Earlier today Epic hosted a livestream to talk about all kinds of changes made to the game and how monetization will work. It sounds like many of my early complaints have been addressed, with the team focused on hero balance, map traversal, and the formerly confusing cards system. I just might have to jump back in and see how Paragon stacks up to DOTA 2 and Heroes of the Storm . If you’re intrigued you can learn more here , and check out the launch trailer below.

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