



PAX 2011: Upcoming Minecraft Patch Details Revealed

PAX 2011: Upcoming Minecraft Patch Details Revealed


Honestly, if Minecraft were never updated, I would still waste the entirety of my natural life digging into its pixelated landscape. However, the designers constantly decide to add more and more functionality to the game, which pretty much means I will be spending my whole weekend playing inside with digital LEGOs. So let’s take a look at what the newest update has to offer, so that we can be prepared for our next month long build-a-thon.

First of all, the update has made bows much better. Players will be able to draw back bowstrings longer to let arrows fly further distances. Drawing a bow makes you move slower, but arrows themselves have become more powerful. So if you’ve always wanted to be a Minecraft sniper, congratulations, you are now the most annoying person on the game.

New enemies have also been added to the experience, including the Endermen, who will attack you if you look at it and will not relent until you find a pool of water to jump into. Silverfish inhabit the blocks that players mine and will attack you if you mine a block holding one. Spiders have also been revamped, as they now poison you when they attack, causing your life to drop over time.

The game is getting some more RPG elements in the next update as well. For example, NPCs will be added to the game, as will quests. Completing quests and killing monsters will gain you experience which then will allow you to upgrade skills. There is no word on what these skills might be yet, but we do know that experience will be lost if you die, so beware of creepers.

Finally, the way food is being handled in Minecraft is being reworked. Right now, it restores HP, but soon it will raise a “hunger meter” instead. If your hunger meter is full, eating more food will gain you HP. If your hunger meter is empty (it empties over time) you start to lose HP. So you’ll have to constantly feed your character in order to survive.

All in all, the updates seem to be making the game more fun by making it harder to not die. So now I won’t only get to spend months my life building a brick for brick replica of the Sistine Chapel, but now I get to be poisoned by spiders while doing it! Oh Mojang, you are so sadistic.

By Angelo M. D’Argenio

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