



Why Pokémon GO Friend Codes Is Worth Downloading

The title of Monarch goes to Ash after a long and difficult journey.

Why Pokémon GO Friend Codes Is Worth Downloading

Pokemon GO is a game that took the world by storm. In this free mobile game, trainers of all kinds get to experience a new way to play Pokemon in the great, real-life outdoors. The game tasks players to go outside to catch Pokemon scattered around town. First released in 2016, Pokemon GO is still available today, and is playable on iPhone and Android.

Cover art for Pokemon GO and Mewtwo.

What are Pokemon GO‘s Friend Codes?

The Friend Codes are each user’s ID, or signature, that is assigned to them when they create an account. With this code, a player can exchange it with a friend, who, in turn, allows them to appear on their friends list. The friends list lets players gift and trade their Pokemon with each other. And, in turn, lets them see what Pokemon they have.

You may ask: is there a Pokemon GO Friend Code program, or app? Well, to be perfectly frank: no. There isn’t.

What there is, however, is multiple ways to gain friend codes, which will we cover right now!

1. Meeting People!

Pokemon GO is, at its core, a social game. It makes players step outside of their home to explore their town to collect Pokemon. When this happens, it is not uncommon to run into other players on Pokemon GO. It might be worth asking if they want to exchange friend codes, or they might ask you if you happen to catch a particularly useful Pokemon.

Of course, like any social interaction, just be wary of coming on too strong, as that can put people off. What’s more, just because a person is on their phone doesn’t mean they’re on Pokemon GO. They could easily just be doing their own thing.

So, when going out into the world, just be aware of the time and place before you start asking anyone for Pokemon GO friend codes.

2. Going on Reddit

Another resource is going to Reddit, which is all about reading form posts from various online communities. Pokemon GO naturally has one, and as such, it is very easy to find people with Friend Codes. Most of the time, all you have to do is start a post and ask for some. There’s also a subreddit based around the friend codes, making finding some that much easier.

But of course, much like any social interaction in person or online, be aware of scammers and trolls. Giving away a friend code is one thing, but if someone starts asking for more personal information, it might be a good idea to avoid them entirely.

3. Using the Pokemon Go Friends Code Websites

Much like Reddit, there are also dedicated websites to Pokemon GO‘s Friend Code system. It shows just how mind-boggling and popular this game truly is. PokemonGoFriendsCode.com, and Pokemongo are two websites to find friends. The former strikes me as more useful than the latter, but both are good sites for locating friend codes and adding them to your list.

And of course, finding even more resources or databases for Pokemon GO friend codes is as easy as simply using social media or doing a quick Google search. What’s more, during big conventions or shows, more Pokemon can usually be found around the block, and that, of course, means more friends to make.

But why use them?

So, making Friends is fairly easy, so long as you know what you’re doing. But what are friends for? Well, aside from providing social interaction and improving mental health, there’s a reason why Friend Codes are used beyond gifting and trading. Like most friendships, the best ones are all about quality rather than quantity.

In Pokemon GO, there also exists Friendship Levels., a leveling system for how much time you spend with another player, either battling, trading, gifting, and so on. The leveling is separated into these levels: Friends, Good Friends, Great Friends, Ultra Friends, and Best Friends. When the level gets high enough, and as you progress with friendship milestones, there are various bonuses that you can get! Such as a Battle Boost or extra Premier Balls in raids. Raids are also a factor.

So, with all of this in mind, is it worth downloading Pokemon GO Friend Codes? In this humble writer’s opinion, yes. It is worth the effort to get as many as you can and develop them so that you’ll never be truly alone in the Pokemon World.

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