



PlayStation Plus Instant Game Collection Gets A January Update

PlayStation Plus Instant Game Collection Gets A January Update

Yesterday, February’s update for European PlayStation Plus members was revealed, and most of the games had already made their way into the American Instant Game Collection (though, Europe managed to get Sleeping Dogs, which we hope will come our way very soon). Even though Sony isn’t ready to reveal all of February’s goodies just yet, we are getting quite a treat for the end of January.

First of all, Ninja Gaiden Sigma Plus will be joining the PS Vita’s Instant Game Collection today as the sole free title being offered in this update. Two other titles will be offered at a discount, however. Madden 13 is being put on sale in honor of the upcoming Superbowl. PlayStation Plus members can pick it up for $29.39 on the PS3 or $19.59 for the Vita. That’s a 30% off discount. A couple of interesting indie games are also being offered at a discount; Gatling Gears, Section 8: Prejudice, and Greed Corp will all be offered at 50% off. That’s $2.50 for every game but Section 8, which will go for $5.00.

Source: US PlayStation Blog

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