Today, Sony released a rather extensive preview of 7 free games that they have lined up for its North American PlayStation Plus subscribers in November. This impressive lineup consists of various games across the PlayStation 3, PlayStation Vita, and PlayStation 4 platforms.
First up is the PlayStation 3 console, which will receive Dragon’s Dogma: Dark Arisen , Ibb and Obb , and Binary Domain . Dark Arisen is easily the strongest game of these three and a must play for anyone who skipped over the original Dragon’s Dogma .
Next up is the PlayStation Vita with Oddworld: Strangers Wrath and Soul Sacrifice . Fans have been eager to play another Oddworld game for quite some time now and Soul Sacrifice was considered a certified sleeper hit by many. Both games together will keep Vita owners very happy for quite awhile.
Finally, the PlayStation 4 will feature both Resogun and Contrast . Resogun has received a ton of coverage over the year, while Contrast only started to gain momentum after it recently took the place of the newly delayed Driveclub.
With a lineup as immersive as this one, Sony continues to prove that PlayStation Plus offers the best value for customers. Will any of you be picking up or playing any of these games? Please feel free to let us know in the comments section below.
Source: Official PlayStation Blog