



Project Spark Has Been Extinguished

Project Spark Has Been Extinguished

Light a candle for Project Spark. Microsoft went and killed the Windows and Xbox One game creation experience. All of the online components have very little time left. It’ll all be gone August 12. That’s when the servers are going down. I guess we should have had some hint that the fires were dying out when Microsoft decided to stop releasing DLC back in September 2015.

I’d say it had a good run while it lasted, but Project Spark never really had enough time to shine. The game’s open beta opened on PCs back in December 2013, followed by an Xbox One beta launch in March 2014. It only officially launched in October 2014. The game didn’t even reach its second birthday.

This means it’s time for one last push. You can still upload and download Project Spark creations for just under three months. It’s a good time to grab all your favorites and save them locally, so you’ll have something to enjoy after the shutdown. And maybe, just maybe, make one more level for old times’ sake.

Source: Project Spark

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