



Rare Hints at Using Natal to Revamp its Catalogue of Past Games

Rare Hints at Using Natal to Revamp its Catalogue of Past Games


In an interview with VideoGamer, Design Director George Andreas of Rare mentioned that their work on Natal will lead to dynamite mechanics that could resurrect the company’s legendary, yet antiquated, library of games.

Andreas told VideoGamer, “One [game] in particular actually I think we can do an absolutely phenomenal, absolutely phenomenal version on with Natal. The interface, the way you interact with it – I think it would be an absolutely world-beating product. But we need to explore a little bit more in that direction.”

Which of Rare’s game he’s talking about is still a mystery, but GoldenEye, without a doubt, is the company’s most revered project. However, anyone who’s played the game recently knows it’s full of problems not to mention it can’t hold up to today’s FPS standard.

That being said, FPS gamers are starting to tire of the same ol’ same ol’- shooters are starting to once again fall into their own well-trodden genre foibles. Entering the holodeck that is Natal, Rare’s aged blockbuster could in fact be a revolutionary world-beater. We’ll have to wait and see.

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