Sony has recently announced that it will be delaying the release of Ratchet & Clank: Full Frontal Assault on the Vita. The game was originally planned to come out along with the PlayStation 3 version in November. However, the Vita version has now been pushed back to an unspecified date in January.
An official PlayStation Blog post explained the details: “Our friends at Tin Giant have been working hard to bring Insomniac’s PS3 game to PS Vita and to ensure that your experience is packed with all the action and polish you’d expect from a Ratchet & Clank game.”
The PS3 version of the game is still slated for release on November 27 th. And, to tide players over until the Vita version drops, Sony has decided to give away the game’s first piece of DLC. Anyone who purchases the PS3 version of the game will receive the Mini-Boss Skin Pack absolutely free. The pack will feature three boss skins from previous titles in the Ratchet & Clank series.
Further info on the development of Ratchet & Clank: Full Frontal Assault for the Vita Is not yet available, but we will likely hear more as we get closer to the holidays. We will bring you more info about the game’s 2013 release as it becomes available.
Source: U.S. PlayStation Blog