



Razer Unveils Razer Surround

Razer Unveils Razer Surround

Razer has announced today the unveiling of a new product: Razer Surround.

The new software allows gamers to experience 7.1 channel surround sound without the need for any type of stereo headphones. The system is powered by “state-of-the-art technology” and “surround sound algorithms powering Razer Surround” to create an experience that matches their own personal preferences. Users will be able to save these preferences in the cloud.

Razer Surround’s website offers a demo of what to expect, but it’s hard to be judge the software’s true quality without giving it a full test run. Thankfully, Razer is giving Surround away for free. With your download, you’ll also be able to make a donation to the Child’s Play charity.

Source: Razerzone.com

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