



Renegade Ops Expands Like Ice

Renegade Ops Expands Like Ice


Have you played this year’s best downloadable dual-stick shooter? If not, you should pick up Renegade Ops, since its crazy hectic action melds with impressive graphics and satisfying vehicle physics to make an engaging downloadable diversion. This diversion just got a bit longer with the release of the Coldstrike Campaign.

Priced at $4.99, or the XBL equivalent thereof for you 360 gamers out there, the pack introduces three new ice-themed levels just in time for the snowiest of holidays. It’s always nice when DLC actually includes substantial new campaign content, and Renegade Ops’ battles against new nemesis Coldstrike certainly qualify.

Further, SEGA is bringing out the Vehicle Pack, consisting of Crystal and Blazemo. The former is a military operative with a force field-emitting armored vehicle, while Blazemo drives an off-road racer equipped with the “Incinerator.” The name of the weapon is pretty self-explanatory. The Vehicle Pack costs $2.99 or the MSP equivalent thereof, and is known as “The Reinforcement Pack” outside of the United States.

Looks like I’m spending the second night of Chanukah blowing stuff up.

By Shelby Reiches

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