



Rock Band Getting A Facelift?

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Rock Band Getting A Facelift?


2010 was not a good year for the music game genre. Harmonix posted a 299 million dollar earning loss and pulled the cancel lever on the Wii edition of Rock Band 3. But even in the face of massive losses, the developer seems to think that they can revitalize the Rock Band franchise.

In an interview with Giant Bomb, Harmonix CEO Alex Rigopulos indicated that the company has big plans: “Looking into next year, we’re actually considering fairly fundamental creative reinterpretation of what the Rock Band business is,” he said. “We’re committed to the franchise, but when I think that when we do things with it in the future, it’s going to be a pretty dramatic departure from what we’ve done before.”

After a statement like that, you’d expect some juicy details, right? Wrong. Harmonix is playing their cards pretty close to the chest this time.

However, CTO Eran Egozy did manage to give an example of what they would not be doing with the franchise: “You might assume we’re going to add saxophone or something along those lines, but no, the kind of direction we’re planning on taking Rock Band … [is] more suitable to the kind of environment we’re in, what people are doing now, what they’re interested in playing now, versus, say, 2007.”

Either way, the genre needs a major overhaul if it’s going to survive, and no one is more qualified that Harmonix. As long as I don’t have to listen to The Ramones sing “I Wanna Be Sedated” again, I’ll be happy.

By Josh Engen

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