



RUMOR: Capcom Releasing Street Fighter 25th Anniversary Bundle

RUMOR: Capcom Releasing Street Fighter 25th Anniversary Bundle


Last weekend, at PAX East, PlayStation Universe overheard something rather interesting at the Capcom booth. A Capcom representative apparently said that Capcom would be releasing a “Street Fighter 25 th Anniversary Bundle” sometime later this year. The bundle would be a compilation of all major Street Fighter titles.

Though the representative did not know exactly which titles would be included, PSU speculates that we will most likely see some playable form of Street Fighters 1-4 in the bundle. If the bundle is being made for the tournament crew, we will probably see some of the Alpha series, and possibly even a few titles from the ill-fated Street Fighter EX line as well.

The PAX booth also featured a “Street Fighter Memory Booth” where fans were able to talk about their favorite Street Fighter memories. These clips would likely be included on a DVD that will ship with the rumored 25 th anniversary bundle.

By Angelo M. D’Argenio

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