



RUMOR: More EA Big Wigs Headed To Zynga

RUMOR: More EA Big Wigs Headed To Zynga


A while back, John Schappert, second-in-command of EA’s social game division, left EA to join Zynga, the social gaming god monster that brought us all Farmville. Well, he isn’t the only one at EA that is being enticed by the lush Facebook crops that Zynga promises.

Jeff Karp, executive at EA’s social games department, is currently rumored to be in the process of leaving the company to join Zynga as well. Karp worked at EA for eleven years, but after a recent change of positions where several EA members were promoted (my guess is that Karp is not one of them), it sounds like Karp has decided to lend his talents to Zynga instead.

It’s kind of peculiar considering that Karp was just appointed Executive Vice President of the EA Play label six months ago. Oh well, there are always greener pastures out there.

By Angelo M. D’Argenio

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