



Zynga Getting Sued Over Code

Zynga Getting Sued Over Code


Zynga is a god-monster of a social game publisher. With games like Farmville, Cityville, and much more simply sucking up the time of Facebook users everywhere, it’s hard to imagine anything taking it on. Well, SocialApps, a web developer in California, is going to do just that. They’re saying that Zynga used their code in Farmville, and they are seeking damages for “copyright infringement, violation of trade secrets, breach of written contract, breach of implied-in-fact contract, and breach of confidence.”

Here’s the story in a nutshell: SocialApps made a deal with Zynga to give them access to the source code of a game called “MyFarm” in return for some compensation. Zynga was given the code, but then never gave SocialApps their compensation. A little bit later, Farmville cropped up, and SocialApps was just out of luck. In short, they are blatantly accusing Zynga of stealing their code. That’s a hefty accusation, and could mean a world of change for casual Facebook games if it turns out to be true.

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