



RUMOR: Rayman Origins 2 Outed?

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RUMOR: Rayman Origins 2 Outed?

A listing for “Rayman Origins 2” has appeared on a European retailer’s website.

The sequel to the critically acclaimed title is seemingly due for a release sometime during 2013 on both the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. Ubisoft, however, has yet to comment.

Rayman Origins 2 initially showed up via a survey earlier in the year that apparently revealed screenshots of the yet-to-be-announced follow-up.

While Rayman Origins was a critical darling, its $60 price tag deterred the majority of consumers, leading to its lack of commercial performance in the market.

Meanwhile, platformer Rayman Legends was recently delayed by Ubisoft from its original Wii U launch in November to 2013.

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