



Sony Bringing Third Party Ads to PS3

Sony Bringing Third Party Ads to PS3


Sony has penned a deal with IGA Worldwide to place ads in PS3 titles. It is Sony’s intention that any approved third party will be allowed to begin advertising in-game. The hope is that in-game ads will create massive amounts of revenue, and they will also provide for a more realistic gaming experience. I still like the creative, fictional spots Rockstar through into GTA IV, but real-life ads should be fine as long as they aren’t blatant. Here’s what Phil Rosenberg had to say:

“The PS3 platform is primed to leverage the high growth potential of the in-game advertising market,” said SCEA senior vice president Phil Rosenberg. “Ads that are organic to the environment not only benefit developers and advertisers, but also create a richer experience for gamers.”

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