With up and coming technologies like the Oculus Rift and Sony’s own line of headsets, the change in how we interface with our games and media is definitely in transition. However, according to lead system architect Mark Cerny (who worked on the PlayStation 4), the consoles will integrate this new technology, rather than be replaced by them.
When speaking at D.I.C.E in Las Vegas, Cerny touched on what the future may hold for systems like the PS4, once VR technology is developed to the point of practical application. The immerging tech simply can’t be seen as a pet-project of a few developers on Kickstarter anymore, with Cerny stating that, “The impact of virtual reality technologies could be pretty significant going forward in that time frame.”
Also, while the proliferation of mobile gaming has exploded over the last several years, Cerny has no concerns that it will affect the console market adversely. “Over a billion people play smartphone games and a couple hundred million people play console games. But if you look at the console business itself, and the hundreds of millions of fans who enjoy playing that, it looks very solid.”
We’ll keep you posted on future Sony hardware news, as their own VR device is reportedly in development.