



Sony Responds to Congressional Inquiry

Sony Responds to Congressional Inquiry


When the PSN was hacked several weeks ago, gamers weren’t the only ones upset with the situation. Several members of Congress were also upset by the mass security breach, and launched an official inquiry into the incident. Sony responded to that inquiry today with an eight-page letter detailing what happened (to the best of their knowledge) and what they are doing about it.

Among the highlights are some serious finger pointing at hater group Anonymous (who naturally says it had no involvement) and a detailed timeline of the events that transpired directly after the security breach. Interestingly, the timeline released today indicates that Sony knew about the information leak directly after the breach happened, which contradicts Sony’s earlier statements about not knowing about it until the day before notifying customers. If this is the case, Sony may have done more harm than good as more than a few customers will be upset with this new development.

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