



Star Fox Zero Pre-Loading Now Available

Star Fox Zero Pre-Loading Now Available

Star Fox Zero has finally come together in a way that satisfies Nintendo, and it’s set to blast off on April 22. I was starting to get a little nervous about this one, and I still have my reservations. Almost all of the early impressions and previews mention the control scheme taking some serious getting used to, but I’ve also heard that if you’re familiar with Splatoon ‘s controls, Star Fox should be a piece of cake. Luckily I’m a Splatoon veteran, and the game looks so much better than it did during the E3 direct. Great job, Platinum and Nintendo.

Now, there are a couple of ways you can get this game. If you want to buy the physical edition you’ll pay $60, and that will come packaged with the full game Star Fox Guard : a strange tower defense game where you position weaponized cameras along a short maze to stop enemy robots from getting to your tower, or core, or whatever the heck it is. Personally I don’t care at all about Star Fox Guard , so I’ll be opting to buy the game digitally from the eShop for $50. If I decide I want Guard after all, the digital purchase entitles you to $5 off of the digital , standalone version of Guard , bringing the price down to $10.

By the time you read this, pre-loading will be live for Star Fox Zero, so when you buy digitally you’ll be ready to go the minute the game comes out. And don’t forget, your digital purchase will net you 50 Gold Points toward future My Nintendo rewards!

Source: NintendoLife

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