



The Walking Dead Save Bug Patched On PS3

The Walking Dead Save Bug Patched On PS3

Last week, we reported on a save issue in Telltale’s The Walking Dead that prevented players from importing their Episode 1-3 data into Episode 4. The game would constantly ask the player to randomize choices, rather than allowing them to continue as normal. The bug seemed to affect players completely at random, and it existed on all platforms in all versions of the game.

This week, Telltale has taken some major steps at fixing the issue. They have managed to successfully patch the bug on the PS3 version at this point, though every other version remains affected. They have also started to narrow down the cause of the bug. Supposedly, the bug can be avoided by “refraining from use of the third save slot in the game menu.” As of now we don’t know if deleting the third save slot will suddenly make your data importable again. Data should be recoverable after the patch, as long as you didn’t choose to start Episode 4 with your choices randomized.

Though the patch should fix all issues with any possible save slots, you might want to avoid the third slot just in case. Anyone who is currently experiencing issues with The Walking Dead should attempt to copy their data to another slot and delete anything leftover in the third slot of their game. It may not work, but it’s a start. As for people who have experienced this bug without using the third save slot, Telltale still doesn’t have a solution for you.

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