



The Witcher 3 Will Take Over 200 Hours To Complete

The Witcher 3 Will Take Over 200 Hours To Complete

This past weekend, CD Projekt Red Senior Games Designer Damien Monnier confirmed over Twitter that The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt can take completionist players over 200 hours to complete. This answer surfaced when a fan asked Monnier how long the game would be with the inclusion of side quests.

From day one, the developers over at CD Projekt Red have made it clear that The Witcher 3 is their most ambitious project yet. By pushing the game to the limit and giving their team full control over all aspects of the title, the studio has assured fans that they will have an incredible experience from start to finish.

Being that I’m a completionist myself, I personally can’t wait to get my hands on the final product. The Witcher 3 will not only be one of the most engaging action RPGs of the year, but it also has a legitimate shot at being the best game of 2015.

Are any of you looking forward to spending a lot of time with The Witcher 3 ? Please feel free to let us know in the comments section below.

Source: Damien Monnier’s Twitter

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