Yesterday, CD Projekt Red Senior Games Designer Damien Monnier revealed over Twitter that a DirectX 12 upgrade by Microsoft still wouldn’t improve the resolution of the Xbox One version of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt . This conversation surfaced after a fan asked the question and Monnier replied by stating that Microsoft would need to make a bigger change with their current hardware to see a difference.
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is expected to have a resolution of 900p on the Xbox One and 1080p on the PlayStation 4. Regardless of this issue, CD Projekt Red reps have still maintained their belief that resolution doesn’t matter and fans won’t notice any major differences between the two.
Resolution has been the cornerstone of several arguments used to differentiate both consoles since they launched at the end of 2013. The funny thing in all of this is that the PC is and will always be the best way to experience every game when it comes to resolution. If, however, you can’t afford a gaming PC, consoles are a great alternative and gameplay is really all that matters when all is said and done.
Are any of you surprised to hear these candid thoughts on DirectX 12? Will it impact which version of the game you end up buying? Please feel free to let us know your thoughts on this and more in the comments section below.
Source: Damien Monnier’s Twitter