A while back, it was announced that the new PC version of Driver: San Francisco would require an “always on” internet connection to play. We don’t have to tell you that that sort of DRM is easily one of the most despised methods used by companies today. Well, Ubisoft has taken notice of all the complaints fans have sent in, saying “We’ve heard your feedback regarding the permanent internet connection requirement for Driver and have made the decision to no longer include it. So this means that Driver PC gamers will only need to sign in at game launch but can subsequently choose to play the game offline.” Wait. What?
Take another pass at it, Ubisoft. If you are really listening to the PC gamers out there, it shouldn’t take you long to figure out that they want a method of DRM that doesn’t involve an internet connection at all. By Angelo M. D’Argenio |
The image featured at the top of this post is ©The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III key art.