



Uncharted 3 Gets PS3 Bundle

Trails of Cold Steel III key art

Uncharted 3 Gets PS3 Bundle


Any time a big game comes out, you can probably expect a console bundle to come along with it. Uncharted 3 is no exception.

Sony has recently announced that they will be releasing a hardware bundle in the US that will include the Uncharted 3 game, a 320 GB PS3, and one controller. In addition to those goods, the bundle will also come with a free month’s subscription to PlayStation Plus. The bundle will retail for $300 and will hit store shelves the same day as the game itself, November 1.

As of now, we do not have any word on whether or not this bundle will be available in territories outside of the U.S. We will bring you more updates on the Uncharted 3 release as they become available.

Until then, just keep yourself occupied with Uncharted 2. Or, you know, by looking at Nathan Drake’s ungodly perfect chin.

By Angelo M. D’Argenio

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