



Uncharted Teaser Has Nothing To Do With Uncharted

Uncharted Teaser Has Nothing To Do With Uncharted


Yesterday, we reported on a teaser site that came out of PlayStation Norway . The site had a map and a date on it, along with a picture of explorer Fridtjof Nansen. Nansens face was obscured by the word uutforsket , which roughly translates to “uncharted.” Of course this made fans speculate that a new Uncharted reveal was right around the corner.

Unfortunately, it wasn’t. When the reveal finally came, all we got was a strange trailer of people looking at a map and wandering around the world.

It turns out that this video isn’t actually referencing a new game at all. It’s actually a marketing video for a new “Interactive Treasure Hunt” game that will take place in Oslo. Players who enter the game will have a chance to win prizes, such as a PS Vita. To win you have to find letters scattered about real world Oslo and arrange them in the correct order.

It looks like we will have to wait a little bit longer for the inevitable reveal of a new Uncharted game. Some fans are holding out hope that this treasure hunt is actually itself a new teaser for a new game, but that’s actually rather unlikely.

By Angelo M. D’Argenio

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