



UPDATE: Modern Warfare 3 Website Is A Hoax?

UPDATE: Modern Warfare 3 Website Is A Hoax?


UPDATE: The website is for a Toronto-based fan project. Though the project will be about Call of Duty, this is probably not the news that Call of Duty fans were looking for. Sorry!

After a day of rampant speculation, it appears the website findmakarov.com has led many to believe Modern Warfare 3 will be announced on Wednesday. Activision has stepped up to say the site is a hoax. The publisher clarified that the website is not owned by them, and they have no plans to reveal the next Modern Warfare on Wednesday. Usually we would say that this closes the door on the possibility, but with the numerous leaks that have happened in the industry, we have to chalk this one up to “let’s wait and see what happens.”

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