



[UPDATED] CheatCC Notice: Final Fantasy XV Review in Progress

[UPDATED] CheatCC Notice: Final Fantasy XV Review in Progress

CheatCC Team Update – 11.29.16

As we speak, we’re barreling through this massive behemoth of a game! While some outlets may have already posted their initial impressions, CheatCC is committed to bringing you a fully fleshed out, well-rounded game review of this latest entry in the Final Fantasy series. So as we continue to progress, we’ll keep you posted. Expect CheatCC’s final review score for XV coming tomorrow morning, so be sure to check back! In the meantime, back to gaming. Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy?

Original Post:

It’s been a very long wait, indeed, but Final Fantasy XV finally releases tomorrow. We at CheatCC are busy working to get you the best, most in-depth review we can. Late last week, PR notified media that review copies would be delayed, and as we received a digital code with an extended download time, we are just diving into this massive role-playing game. We know that you RPG fans expect far more than just a cursory look at a title like this, so we will be posting our initial impressions ASAP and following up with a final review once Noctis and his pals are looking far more grizzled and road-worn. Thanks for your patience and support!

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