



Valve Teases Early “Dead Air” Release

Valve Teases Early “Dead Air” Release


Remember the whole “play these indie games and we will release Portal 2 early” promotion that Valve held? It seemed kind of nifty at first, but in the end it just angered lots of gamers. Even though many of the indie games were played to completion, Portal 2 was only released about six hours early.

Valve is doing it again, but with a little more finesse this time. They are asking people to beta test their new Left 4 Dead 2 “Cold Stream” campaign. If 20,000 players finish it by this Sunday, they’ll release the new remake of “Dead Air” early. In addition, Valve is offering Left 4 Dead 2 on Steam for five dollars. So if you haven’t tried the game yet, now is the time to do so.

Then again, Valve hasn’t told us how early they will release “Dead Air.” It’s possible that they’re only planning another six hour early release, but if that’s the case we may have a zombie riot on our hands.

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