



Valve Working On Free-To-Play Game

Valve Working On Free-To-Play Game


Free-to-play is a hot topic for PC games these days. With free-to-play games coming to Steam recently, the user base for these obscure-yet-fun PC games has never been bigger. However, Valve isn’t content with simply bringing you other people’s free-to-play games. It appears as if they want to bring you free-to-play games of their own.

In a recent interview with French site Barre de vie, Valve’s own Doug Lombardi was asked, rather directly, whether or not Valve will be working on developing free-to-play titles now that they are offering said titles on the Steam platform. His response? “Yes.”

That’s it. There’s no big cover-up, or withholding of information; Lombardi just flat-out said in plain English (or rather, plain French) that Valve is developing a new free-to-play game. Either that or it’s some kind of translation error.

Of course, this has started up the rumor mill again, as many fans are now thinking that DOTA 2, the long rumored Valve DOTA project, will be free-to-play. League of Legends, a DOTA-like game made by many of the original DOTA creators is free to play and will be DOTA 2’s main competition. DOTA 2 may go free-to-play just to keep up.

Of course, this is all very much rumor—and very much French—so take it all with a grain of caviar.

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