Renowned game developer Warren Spector and Blizzard COO Paul Sams are working together to build an academic videogame program for the University of Texas at Austin. Spector’s Denius-Sams Gaming Academy will be led by gaming industry veterans. Spector and Sams will act as part-time instructors at the academy.
The academy will offer a twelve-month program in game design. Students who graduate will receive a postbaccalaureate certificate and assistance in finding a job in the gaming industry.
Here is what Spector has to say about the new academy: “What differentiates the Denius-Sams Gaming Academy is that it will focus explicitly on the bigger creative leadership aspects of game development -on the management and production side and on the creative leadership side. This is a space that’s not being filled by the other programs, and it will make the academy unique.”
Source: VG247