



We Robot*

We Robot*

We Robot is the game that helps you make contributions to the biggest and greatest project ever undertaken by mankind. All your answers, solutions, and reactions to strange questions, puzzles, and situations presented in the game will be tabulated and processed as input to create We Robot, the worlds’ first sentient robot.

We Robot will be the result of the collective consciousness of mankind. It’s an ambitious project, spearheaded by major universities from around the world. The consortiums of scientists have determined video game players are the perfect demographic for this latest form of artificial intelligence. Gamers tend to be young people who have proven adept at navigating their way through the future.

We Robot is available for any gaming system with online capability. It contains thousands of minigames ranging from puzzles to shooters to role-playing and sims. It’s all about gathering data to teach a robot how to think like a human being. The robot will receive stimuli in much the same way the player does in the minigame.  Processors will filter hundreds of thousands of responses to plot an algorithmic curve commensurate with the processed input.

When We Robot is complete, it will be an averaged composite of all players from around the world. The project is set to begin this Fall, and completion of the worlds’ most intelligent robot is scheduled for 2014.

“I was there right from the get-go,” says former Cheat CC CEO Arty Hackery, “I was helping the development team with funding and project management. Everything was going fine until I beta tested the original We Robot game. They said the robot I created was retarded. After everything I’ve done for them, they go ahead and say something like this. Not only to me, but they released that information in a scientific journal. Sure, the robot pissed on the floor in the Vatican when we took it to meet with the Pope. And yes, it answered every question on Jeopardy with “Bela Lugosi,” but that could hardly be attributed to me. I don’t even know who Bela Lugosi is. An Italian chef? An opera singer? A zoologist? I would look it up on Gerggle or whatever it’s called if I could spell it.”

We Robot is your chance to be a part of history. Your input will help shape the future, as We Robot will be the industry standard that all future sentient beings will be compared to.

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