



Welcome To The Jungle…Now Get Out!

Welcome To The Jungle…Now Get Out!


Remember Panasonic’s MMO-friendly handheld, The Jungle, unveiled late last year? No?

Well, Panasonic hyped it as the biggest thing since sliced bread and promised that it had tons of developers and publishers just lining up to fill their new handheld with content. Games like Battlestar Galactica and RuneScape were already announced as being compatible for the system, and Panasonic tried their hardest to convince even the most cynical gamers that The Jungle was going to revolutionize the industry.

But of course, hype was all that turned out to be, as the Jungle has now been officially cancelled. It’s not all that surprising, as no one really thought the hardware would deliver on its promises, and the official Jungle website and Twitter feed were never updated after its announcement. We hope you’re not too broken up about this.

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