



What Will And Won’t Be In MGS3 On The Vita

What Will And Won’t Be In MGS3 On The Vita


It was confirmed just under a month ago that the Metal Gear Solid HD collection would be making its way to the Vita in North America, sans Peace Walker HD . Since then, the 3DS version of Snake Eater, the third entry in the Metal Gear Solid series, has hit store shelves , bringing with it a few features that weren’t present in the original PS2 game, or in the HD remasters on the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. The question, then: would those alterations make their way into the Vita version of the game?

The answer comes from a Kojima Productions podcast (number 158, to be specific): The version of Snake Eater on the Vita will not include any of the 3DS features, such as crouch-walking and third-person, over-the-shoulder aiming. Ostensibly, this is because the 3DS version was an update, designed to appeal to modern gamers, while the Vita version is a nostalgia trip for longtime series fans. Flimsy justification, that, but Metal Gear Solid 3 remains one of the greatest games of its generation, updates or no.

By Shelby Reiches

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