



Windows Finally Has a Steam Mobile App

Windows Finally Has a Steam Mobile App

Rejoice, people with Windows phones and tablets. You now have a Steam mobile app. Granted, it’s coming after the Android and iOS versions, but still. You’ll have a means of socializing, checking the store, protecting your account, and selling or trading content on the go. It’s all waiting to take its place in the palm of your hand.

This is fantastic news and a big deal for one simple reason. In the name of “security,” Valve locked down Steam’s community marketplace and trading functions. If you don’t have the mobile authenticator, you have to wait 15 days before a sale or trade will go through. This was fine for people with an Android or iOS device, since they’ve had the app for quite some time. But people relying on a Windows 8.1 or 10 device? Valve was going all Big Brother on them.

But hey, now that issue’s gone. Unless you’re like me and don’t want to bother with any mobile Steam app. Then, you’re still at Valve’s mercy. At least, in my case, that’s by choice!

Source: Microsoft

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