Across nearly every game in the Legend of Zelda series (with the two latest entries the sole exception), Link must collect Pieces of Heart in order to fully extend his life meter. These pieces are scattered across the overworld map and dungeons dotting Hyrule, with some light puzzle-solving often involved in their acquisition. Zelda: Twilight Princess has a total of 45 Pieces of Heart for Link to collect as well as 8 Heart Containers to obtain after beating each of the game’s main dungeons. Cumulatively, these Heart Containers and Pieces of Heart extend Link’s total life energy to 20 potential hearts.
Because there are multiple versions of Zelda: Twilight Princess, the instructions for obtaining the Pieces of Heart might differ depending on which version you’re playing. The following list is in reference to the Normal Mode of Twilight Princess HD on Wii U or the GameCube version of the original Twilight Princess. If playing Hero Mode on Twilight Princess HD or the Wii version of the original Twilight Princess, simply reverse any directions that are given in each entry of this guide.
Zelda: Twilight Princess Pieces of Heart
Piece of Heart #1

Location: Faron Woods
Conditions: Acquire the Lantern
How to Get: Deep within Faron Woods you will find a cave in the northeast containing a Small Key. If you fail to make it to this cave your first time through, you will need to return with the Lantern to cut through the fog and make your way to the cave. Inside, light the two torches to make a chest appear containing Zelda: Twilight Princess‘ first Piece of Heart.
Piece of Heart #2

Location: Forest Temple
Conditions: Acquire Bombs
How to Get: In the room containing Bomblings and Deku Likes, one of the Deku Likes blocks an alcove containing a large chest. Climb up to the platform above it, hitting the nearby Bomblink to drop it over the edge so that the Deku Like swallows it. You can also return and collect this Piece of Heart more easily after acquiring Bombs. Note that returning to this room after entering it the first time requires the Clawshot.
Piece of Heart #3

Location: Forest Temple
Conditions: Acquire the Gale Boomerang
How to Get: In the room with Tile Worms, blow out all of the torches using the Gale Boomerang. This reveals a hidden alcove with a large chest containing Zelda: Twilight Princess‘ third Piece of Heart.
Piece of Heart #4

Location: Hyrule Field; North of Faron Woods
Conditions: Acquire the Gale Boomerang
How to Get: Just north of Faron Woods in Hyrule Field, head straight until you come to a rise with two Bulblin Warriors. Defeat them and look at the tree to the north just before the bridge. After spotting the Piece of Heart in this tree’s branches, use the Gale Boomerang to retrieve it.
Piece of Heart #5

Location: Kakariko Gorge
Conditions: Acquire the Gale Boomerang
How to Get: Just south of Kakariko Village in Hyrule Field are two large rock formations in the distance, pointing toward the center of Hyrule. The larger one has a Piece of Heart resting on its peak that Link can retrieve using the Gale Boomerang.
Piece of Heart #6

Location: Ordon Village
Conditions: Reunite with Epona
How to Get: After restoring light to the Eldin Province and recovering Epona, return to Ordon Village and help Fado with herding his goats. Herding all 20 goats in under 3 minutes nets you a Piece of Heart.
Piece of Heart #7

Location: Goron Mines
Conditions: Acquire the Iron Boots
How to Get: In the room where Link walks on the ceiling due to the large magnetic field present, walk to the far northeast corner and spot a hidden platform with a large chest containing the next Piece of Heart.
Piece of Heart #8

Location: Goron Mines
Conditions: Acquire the Iron Boots
How to Get: Just north of the large central chamber is a room divided into two areas. On the north side of the room are two Beamos in the center, with a magnetic field on the west wall. Walk up the magnetic wall using the Iron Boots and turn south to find a platform containing a large chest. Zelda: Twilight Princess‘ eighth Piece of Heart is inside.
Piece of Heart #9

Location: Kakariko Village
Conditions: Acquire the Hero’s Bow
How to Get: After completing the Goron Mines, Talo stands on top of the highest building in the village. Speak with the Goron at the base of the building and then climb up the ladder. Speak with Talo at the top, who asks you to teach him how to use the bow. You’ll appear near the Sanctuary with Malo and need to hit two targets with the Hero’s Bow. After hitting those targets, Talo challenges you to hit a pole at the corner of the high building. Successfully hitting this pole rewards you with the next Piece of Heart.
Piece of Heart #10

Location: Kakariko Village
Conditions: Acquire the Hero’s Bow, Bombs, Gale Boomerang
How to Get: Just above the Eldin Spring are some boulders. Combine Bombs with the Hero’s Bow to create Bomb Arrows and launch one at the boulders. Blowing apart the boulders reveals a Piece of Heart to be inside, which Link can then retrieve with the Gale Boomerang.
Piece of Heart #11

Location: Kakariko Village
Conditions: Acquire Bombs, Iron Boots
How to Get: Blow up a boulder near Eldin Spring and follow the path it reveals to drop down into the spring itself. Wear the Iron Boots to sink down to the bottom, where a large chest awaits containing a Piece of Heart.
Piece of Heart #12

Location: Death Mountain
Conditions: Complete the Goron Mines dungeon
How to Get: After completing Gorn Mines, Gorons can be found on the trail leading up to Death Mountain. Talking to one of them will allow you to get on their backs and launch up the ledges of the Death Mountain Trail. Coming from Kakariko Village, speak to the second Goron you encounter, get on his back, and face off to the left. Hold forward on the analog stick and you’ll be able to simply grab on to the ledge and pull yourself up. Follow this path to the north, then drop down to an alcove on the left. Inside is a chest containing the next Piece of Heart.
Piece of Heart #13

Location: Kakariko Gorge Cavern
Conditions: Acquire Bombs, Lantern
How to Get: Find the boulder blocking a cave in the southern part of the Kakariko Gorge. Blow it up using Bombs and then enter, using the Lantern to navigate its interior. Follow these directions at each fork:
Right, Right, Left, Right
You’ll come to a dead end with a Skulltula. Defeat it and then light the torches to make a large chest appear containing Zelda: Twilight Princess‘ next Piece of Heart.
Piece of Heart #14

Location: Hyrule Field; North of Kakariko Village
Conditions: Acquire the Hero’s Bow, Bombs
How to Get: Exit Kakariko Village to the north, arriving in a large portion of Hyrule Field east of Castle Town. Blow up the nearby boulders with Bombs and then follow the new path they reveal to some vines and more boulders. Use Bomb Arrows to blow up the boulders and then jump across the gap to grab the vines. After pulling yourself up using the vines, continue down the path to find a large chest on a ledge containing the next Piece of Heart.
Piece of Heart #15

Location: Castle Town
Conditions: Donate 1,000 Rupees to Charlo
How to Get: Find the old man in Castle Town going by the name of Charlo, who resides near the western exit just north of Purlo’s tent. Speaking with him will prompt a request to donate Rupees. After giving him 1,000 Rupees, you’ll be rewarded with Zelda: Twilight Princess‘ fifteenth Piece of Heart.
Piece of Heart #16

Location: Hena’s Fishing Hole
Conditions: Rupees for fishing (20)
How to Get: Head to Hena’s Fishing Hole and look toward the pillars in the center to see a Piece of Heart resting on top of the rock formation. While fishing in the boat, use the Fishing Rod to bring it over. Alternatively, it’s possibe to lock on to the Piece of Heart from the shore using the Gale Boomerang.
Piece of Heart #17

Location: Isle of Riches
Conditions: Rupees to play Falbi’s Flight-by-Fowl mini-game (20)
How to Get: Speak with Fyer in Lake Hylia to get shot up to the top of Lake Hylia. Pay to play Falbi’s Flight-by-Fowl mini-game to glide a Cucco to the Isle of Riches. The second highest platform (the one that isn’t spinning) has a large chest containing another Piece of Heart.
Piece of Heart #18

Location: Lake Hylia Cavern
Conditions: Acquire Bombs, Lantern
How to Get: Find the ladder in the southern part of Lake Hylia. Climb up the ladder and blow up the boulder to the south to reveal a cavern. Use the Lantern to see through the cavern’s darkness and Bombs to clear any boulders blocking your path. At the end of the cavern you’ll come to a room with a large chest containing the next Piece of Heart.
Piece of Heart #19

Location: Lakebed Temple
Conditions: Acquire the Clawshot
How to Get: After restoring the water flow to both the eastern and western sides of the Lakebed Temple, turn the stairs so that water is flowing into the lower east section. Head back to the room with the rotating platforms and stalactites. Filling this area with water raises a bridge that was an obstacle earlier, opening up a new area to explore. Once there, stand on the switch to open the gate and use the Clawshot to get on the other side before it closes. Inside the chest is the next Piece of Heart.
Piece of Heart #20

Location: Lakebed Temple
Conditions: Acquire the Clawshot
How to Get: In the large central chamber (with the spinning staircase) is a massive chandelier. Clawshotting to all the different targets in the room (each of which corellate to one of the compass directions) will bring Link to the top of the chandelier. On top is a chest containing Zelda: Twilight Princess‘ twentieth Piece of Heart.
Piece of Heart #21

Location: Sacred Grove
Conditions: Acquire the Master Sword, Shadow Crystal, Bombs
How to Get: After acquiring the Master Sword and Shadow Crystal, it’s possible to enter the small area on the side of the Sacred Grove where Link fought Skull Kid for the first time. Blow up the large boulder with Bombs, which reveals a sparkling spot Link can see while in Wolf form. Dig down into it to land in a cavern filled with Baba Serpents. Defeating them all will reveal a chest containing the next Piece of Heart.
Piece of Heart #22

Location: West Castle Town Bridge
Conditions: Progress Malo Mart side-quest
How to Get: Bring Hot Spring Water (from the Malo Mart side-quest) to the Goron on the bridge leading from Castle Town to the part of Hyrule Field just north of Kakariko Village. He will gift you with a Piece of Heart for energizing him with the Hot Spring Water.
Piece of Heart #23

Location: Lanayru Spring
Conditions: Acquire the Clawshot, Lantern
How to Get: Enter Lanayru Spring in Lake Hylia and use the Clawshot to attach to the vines on either the left or right. Follow the vines to a hidden room in the far south. Light the two torches inside using the Lantern and a large chest will appear with another Piece of Heart inside.
Piece of Heart #24

Location: Lake Hylia
Conditions: Acquire the Master Sword, Shadow Crystal
How to Get: After restoring light to the Lanayru Province (as well as obtaining the Master Sword and Shadow Crystal), return to Lake Hylia and meet Plumm. Approaching any Hawk Grass while in Wolf form to make Plumm appear. Play Plumm’s mini-game and earn over 10,000 points to earn another Piece of Heart.
Piece of Heart #25

Location: Vridge of Eldin Cavern
Conditions: Acquire the Clawshot, Iron Boots
How to Get: North of the Bridge of Eldin is a platform that Link can reach using the Clawshot. Follow this path to the east to find a cavern, heading inside and jumping down. Equip the Iron Boots to get swept up by the magnetic fields and follow the path in the cavern to a large chest containing another Piece of Heart.
Piece of Heart #26

Location: Bulblin Fortress
Conditions: N/A
How to Get: Just before the entrance to the Arbiter’s Grounds in the Gerudo Desert is the Bulblin Fortress. In the northeast of the Bulblin Fortress are some Blublins roasting a Bullbo over a fire. Slash the Bullbo until it explodes, revealing another Piece of Heart.
Piece of Heart #27

Location: Arbiter’s Grounds
Conditions: Acquire the Clawshot
How to Get: In the central room where the Poes steal the blue flames, there are chests on either side of the stairs. The chest on the right side contains a Piece of Heart. Use the Clawshot to pull Link toward the chest and roll back along the platforms to avoid drowning in quicksand.
Piece of Heart #28

Location: Arbiter’s Grounds
Conditions: Acquire the Spinner
How to Get: In the room with plenty of Spinner rails, the middle level Link can get to has a rotating spike but the east side contains a chest on a platform guarded by a Stalfos. Defeat the Stalfos and then open the chest for Link’s reward — another Piece of Heart.
Piece of Heart #29

Location: North of the Great Bridge of Hylia
Conditions: Acquire the Spinner, Bombs
How to Get: Between the Great Bridge of Hylia and north of Castle Town is a back route blocked by boulders. Blow up the boulders using bombs and then use the Spinner to travel along the rails on the bottom. One set of rails leads upwards before breaking off ino several other rails that go back and forth. Use the Spinner to jump back and forth before eventually arriving at a platform containing another Piece of Heart.
Piece of Heart #30

Location: North of the Bridge of Eldin
Conditions: Acquire the Spinner
How to Get: North of the Bridge of Eldin is a small bridge across the black abyss next to the entrance of the Hidden Village. Use the rails along the north wall to arrive at a platform with a ring of grass. Transform into Wolf form and dig down into the sparkling spot in the center. Kill the three Stalfos waiting inside to make a large chest appear that contains Zelda: Twilight Princess‘ thirtieth Piece of Heart.
Piece of Heart #31

Location: Snowpeak Ruins
Conditions: Acquire Bombs or Ball and Chain
How to Get: Head to the room on the second floor in the far southwest containing Freezards in cages and a cannon. Spot the target against the wall in the corner of this room. Use either Bombs to blow it up or the Ball and Chain to break it. From here, fall down into another room on the first floor containing a large chest. Open the chest to retrieve another Piece of Heart and then use the target to return to the second floor.
Piece of Heart #32

Location: Snowpeak Ruins
Conditions: Acquire Bombs of Ball and Chain
How to Get: After reaching the entrance room on the second floor, use the Ball and Chain on the target next to the western door. This reveals a target that will help you return to this area if you fall trying to get this Piece of Heart. Jump onto the chandelier, turning to the south so that you see two more in a row. Use the Ball and Chain to strike the chandeliers and work your way south, eventually getting to the platform at the end and acquiring the Piece of Heart.
Piece of Heart #33

Location: Ice Block Cavern
Conditions: Acquire the Ball and Chain, Bombs
How to Get: In the part of Hyrule Field just north of Castle Town, travel to the lower part of the rocky area in the far north. Defeat the Tektite and Lizalfos before blowing up the boulder that reveals an entrance to a cave. Head inside, breaking through the ice with the Ball and Chain. Complete the three block puzzles to get access to a large room containing another Piece of Heart.
Piece of Heart #34

Location: Snowpeak
Conditions: Complete the Snowpeak Ruins dungeon
How to Get: After completing the Snowpeak Ruins, warp to the top of Snowpeak and speak with Yeto and Yeta to race them. The first race against Yeto is the training round for the real race against Yeta. Note the shortcut on your map that Yeta will use, as you’ll also need to use it to beat her. Your reward for beating her in the race is another Piece of Heart.
Piece of Heart #35

Location: Temple of Time
Conditions: Acquire the Dominion Rod
How to Get: In the room with Lizalfos, Dynalfos, and the walls that move back and forth, you’ll notice a chest in the corner that’s inaccessible thanks to the electric barrier. Use the Dominion Rod to control either the giant statue or one of the smaller stateues nearby to step on the switch on the other side of the barrier. This temporarily deactivates the electric barrier, allowing you to open the chest and retrieve Zelda: Twilight Princess‘ 35th Piece of Heart.
Piece of Heart #36

Location: Temple of Time
Conditions: Acquire the Dominion Rod
How to Get: In the room containing the spinning mechanism that raises and lowers the platform, go to the bottom and collect the small statue, then take it to the middle level and collect a second small statue. Take both statues to the south and place them on the floow switches, granting access to the far southern room. Defeat the enemies inside and then use the Dominion Rod to move the smaller statue on the upper platform to the far south. Walk the statue down the ledge and onto the floow switch, then pick up another smaller statue and do the same on the opposite side of the room. With both switches depressed, a large chest appears in the east alcove containing another Piece of Heart.
Piece of Heart #37

Location: Entrance to the Temple of Time
Conditions: Acquire the Dominion Rod
How to Get: At the entrance to the Temple of Time are two owl statues on either side of the exit. Use the Dominion Rod to move the one on the eastern side, revealing an alcove with a large chest inside. Open the chest to acquire the next Piece of Heart.
Piece of Heart #38

Location: Hidden Village
Conditions: Restore Ilia’s memory
How to Get: After returning Ilia’s Charm, you can return to the Hidden Village and spot cats everywhere. Speaking to the cats as a wolf reveals the clue to speak to the “cucco leader.” Break through the glass of the large building on the east side to find the Cucco. He asks Link to “play with them,” which means you need to speak to each one. Successfully speaking to every one in the village rewards you with another Piece of Heart.
Piece of Heart #39

Location: Bridge of Eldin
Conditions: Acquire the Dominion Rod
How to Get: On the northern side of the Bridge of Eldin is an owl statue on a raised ledge. Use the Dominion Rod to pull the statue down and walk it to the southern side of the bridge. You’ll see a lower platform you can drop the owl statue down to, and after dropping it down place it in the middle of this area. Use the owl statue to help jump across to a ladder, which leads to the top of the wall next to the bridge. Defeat the Bulblin Archer and open the large chest to reveal the next Piece of Heart.
Piece of Heart #40

Location: Ordon Woods
Conditions: Acquire the Dominion Rod
How to Get: Head to Ordon Woods (which is just north of Ordon Village where Coro is located) to get a Sky Character. Use the Dominion Rod to move the statue into the circular hole in the ground next to the tree. A short cinematic plays showing a nearby rock and the branches of the tree. Transform into Wolf Link and stand on the rock facing toward the statue. Use Midna to jump to an upper area that leads just above the Faron Woods. This area contains a chest with a Piece of Heart inside.
Piece of Heart #41

Location: City in the Sky
Conditions: Acquire the Double Clawshots
How to Get: In the large room with the Big Baba at the bottom, you’ll be able to see the map indicating there’s a chest on the second floor. Get to the second floor of this room and work your way across the slim platforms with the Baba Serpent. Once on the far west side, you see the chest directly ahead. Shoot the two Keese and then grab the wall on the left. Work your way across to the very end and then drop down to claim the Piece of Heart.
Piece of Heart #42

Location: City in the Sky
Conditions: Acquire the Double Clawshots
How to Get: On the 3rd floor of the dungeon is an outdoor area where several Peahats are forming a “V” shape. Use the Double Clawshots to go along them and follow them toward the south. This will take Link to an otherwise inaccessible area with a large chest containing a Piece of Heart.
Piece of Heart #43

Location: Kakariko Gorge
Conditions: Acquire the Double Clawshots
How to Get: In the far west of Kakariko Gorge is a large rock formation out in the abyss. With the Double Clawshots, aim at the target on this rock formation and then reach some vines. Grab on and climb around the other side to reach a platform with a large chest. Inside is the next Piece of Heart.
Piece of Heart #44

Location: Palace of Twilight
Conditions: Acquire a Sol or use the Light-Infused Master Sword
How to Get: The east wing of the Palace of Twilight contains four black fog waterfalls. One of them hides an alcove with a chest, but Link will need a way to move past the fog. Place a Sol near the fog to make it temporarily disappear, then use the Clawshot to reach the large chest containing another Piece of Heart. You can also wait and enter this area after infusing the Master Sword with light.
Piece of Heart #45

Location: Palace of Twilight
Conditions: Acquire a Sol or use the Light-Infused Master Sword
How to Get: Inside the first room in the west wing of the Palace of Twilight, you’ll see a dark orb in the far north on the room’s lower level. Exposing this orb to the light of a Sol (or a light-infused Master Sword) will activate two platforms that each take you to an alcove on the same side of the room. The eastern platform takes you to an alcove containing Zelda: Twilight Princess‘ final Piece of Heart.
Zelda: Twilight Princess Heart Containers
Heart Container #1

Location: Forest Temple
How to Get: Defeat Twilit Parasite: Diababa and clear the Forest Temple
Heart Container #2

Location: Goron Mines
How to Get: Defeat Twilit Igniter: Fyrus and clear the Goron Mines
Heart Container #3

Location: Lakebed Temple
How to Get: Defeat Twilit Aquatic: Morpheel and clear the Lakebed Temple
Heart Container #4

Location: Arbiter’s Grounds
How to Get: Defeat Twilit Fossil: Stallord and clear the Arbiter’s Grounds
Heart Container #5

Location: Snowpeak Ruins
How to Get: Defeat Twilit Ice Mass: Blizzeta and clear the Snowpeak Ruins
Heart Container #6

Location: Temple of Time
How to Get: Defeat Twilit Arachnid: Armogohma and clear the Temple of Time
Heart Container #7

Location: City in the Sky
How to Get: Defeat Twilit Dragon: Argorok and clear the City in the Sky
Heart Container #8

Location: Palace of Twilight
How to Get: Defeat Usurper King: Zant and clear the Palace of Twilight