



Xbox Gets A Bigger Hard Drive

Xbox Gets A Bigger Hard Drive


Many triple-A game bundles for titles such as Gears of War 3, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3, and Kinect Star Wars advertise themselves as coming with a 320GB Xbox 360, which is larger hard drive than is currently available on the market. Of course, there are bound to be gamers out there who aren’t interested in titles such as Gears or Call of Duty. There are probably even more gamers out there that are big Gears and CoD fans, but don’t want to buy a whole new Xbox just to get the increased storage space. For these gamers, we have good news.

Microsoft recently announced that a standalone 320GB hard-drive accessory will be available for purchase in late October. The hard drive will cost $129.99 U.S. at retail, which unfortunately is nearly the price of a whole new console itself. And it’s far more expensive than other generic 320 GB hard drives that you can find on the market which retail for about 40-50 U.S. dollars.

But you aren’t just getting a hard drive with the purchase; you’re also getting a game. All 320GB Xbox hard-drives will come with a download code for a free copy of Lego Star Wars III: The Clone Wars for all regions except Japan, Saudi Arabia, Slovakia, and the UAE.

Is this a great new deal or phenomenal rip-off? You decide.

By Angelo M. D’Argenio

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