



Microsoft’s 500Gb HDD for Xbox 360 Will Be Priced at $110

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Microsoft’s 500Gb HDD for Xbox 360 Will Be Priced at $110

As reported by GameSpot on Wednesday, August 20, Microsoft’s recently announced 500Gb HDD for its Xbox 360 has been given a price tag of $110, and its older brother, the 320Gb HDD, is being revised to be reduced in price as a result.

A new Xbox 360 500GB media hard drive will be available starting this month, ” a Microsoft representative told GameSpot. ” The Xbox 360 500GB media hard drive will be available for $109.99. We are working with retailers to revise pricing on the Xbox 360 320GB media hard drive to maintain market competitiveness, as we do on a regular basis.

No pricing details were given for the 320Gb unit, and it’s likely that such details may be revealed at a later date. It’s also presumed that the 500Gb HDD will be compatible with the newer models of the Xbox 360.

External storage for Microsoft’s Xbox One was confirmed when support for such was released with the console’s June update , matching it with the Xbox 360.

As it currently stands, the Xbox 360 comes in 4Gb and 250Gb units, and the introduction of a 500Gb HDD will bring the console on par with its younger brother, the Xbox One, which comes with 500Gb on its own. A 1Tb version of the Xbox One is slated to release this November.

We’ll bring you more news on Microsoft’s Xbox consoles should further information reach our ears.

[ GameSpot ]

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