



Zelda on Wii U to Feature Side-quests

Zelda on Wii U to Feature Side-quests

In the same video interview with YouTuber iJustine where Shigeru Miyamoto talked about Star Fox on the Wii U , the topic of the new Zelda title was also brought up. Like most other open-world games (although Miyamoto dislikes referring to its as such ), Zelda on the Wii U will feature side-quests.

Miyamoto claims that you’ll be diverted from the objective of your mission because these side-quests will supposedly suck you in, implying that side-quests will still be doable even if you have a main quest to accomplish.

According to him, there will be times when playing Zelda on the Wii U where you may “forget what your goal is because you’re doing other things on the side.” He then went on to elaborate that “there may be times where you go into one big, long dungeon or there may be times where you’re headed to a dungeon, and you’re doing other things along the side.”

What Nintendo is wanting to do with this Zelda is to design it in such a way so that “you don’t necessarily have to sit down and play it for a super long time.” With Zelda on the Wii U, you can pick and choose what you want to do, and do a smaller quest instead of a larger quest if you’re only wanting to play for a short period of time.

Also during the interview, Miyamoto discussed that the next Zelda will be more of an expansive area thanks to the hardware of the Wii U. Because of previous hardware limitations, areas featured in other Zelda titles had to be segmented off and pieced together to give the illusion of a larger world. That doesn’t seem to be the case now with this Zelda title.

“Now with the hardware capabilities of Wii U, what we did was we first started by saying ‘well, let’s see what we can do if we take an entire world the size of the world from Twilight Princess and just try to make that as one area on the game’,” Miyamoto said.

You can watch iJustine’s video interview with Shigeru Miyamoto via the embedded video below. The part that’s relevant to the next Zelda game starts at 3:22.

[ Via: GameSpot ]

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