



Wii U Zelda Not Coming Anytime Soon

Wii U Zelda Not Coming Anytime Soon


Those holding out hope for more info on Wii U Zelda tech demo shown at last year’s E3, take note: The game is still a ways away.

Speaking to Entertainment Weekly, Nintendo mastermind Shigeru Miyamoto said that the Zelda demo was used last year to “showcase some of the [Wii U’s] HD visuals” and “give it a sort of high-quality feel.” Now, though, the next Zelda’s team is still in something of a R&D phase, searching for the right way to “experiment” with the upcoming title in order to help bring it to a wider audience.

“Obviously, as a company that’s been making games for a very long time, we tend to be more on the deeper, longer game side of things,” Miyamoto said. “But really what we continue to ask ourselves as we have over the years is, ‘What is the most important element of Zelda if we were to try to make a Zelda game that a lot of people can play?’ So we have a number of different experiments going on, and [when] we decide that we’ve found the right one of those to really help bring Zelda to a very big audience, then we’ll be happy to announce it.”

Of course, those looking to satisfy their Zelda fix could always play last year’s Skyward Sword, which was released to widespread critical acclaim. Still, Miyamoto recognizes that there were elements of that game about which many longtime Zelda fans weren’t too crazy.

“With the last game, Skyward Sword, that was a game where you had motion control to use your weapons and a lot of different items, and I thought that was a lot of fun, but there were some people who weren’t able to do that or didn’t like it as much and stopped playing partway through it. So we’re in the phase where we’re looking back at what’s worked very well and what has been missing and how can we evolve it further.”

So, don’t say Miyamoto wasn’t listening to the masses whenever the next-gen Zelda comes to fruition. Considering his pedigree, I have a hard time believing the series creator won’t succeed with whatever the future may bring.

By Jeff Dunn

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