



Star Fox on Wii U Lets You Fly in the Cockpit

Star Fox on Wii U Lets You Fly in the Cockpit

During a video interview with YouTuber iJustine, Shigeru Miyamoto (accompanied by a translator) revealed some details regarding the upcoming addition to the Star Fox series. According to him, the new Star Fox will play a little differently than what previous games in the series have done in the past.

As the Star Fox will be releasing for the first time on the Wii U, the Wii U Gamepad will be at the forefront in how to play the game. It’s with this that players will be able to view the game’s cockpit mode separately while also being able to view the game in third-person via the TV screen.

Miyamoto touts that this feature is useful in certain engagements. Since the TV screen will be displaying “a third person, more cinematic view,” it’ll be better to use the Gamepad for concentrating on what’s happening when in certain situations. Miyamoto adds that “you’ll spend your time looking back and forth between the two” when it comes to watching the cinematic visuals and focusing on fighting an enemy.

A little later on, he also hinted that Amiibo support may be implemented into upcoming games, including possibly Star Fox . Regardless of whether or not someone’s Amiibo belongs to a different franchise, Nintendo is planning on ways for those who have Amiibo to get some enjoyment out of using them in upcoming games like Star Fox .

The new Star Fox game is slated to release at some point this year, but specifics as to when have yet to be revealed. During the interview, however, Miyamoto revealed that Star Fox will release on the Wii U before the new Zelda game.

You can watch iJustine’s full interview with Shigeru Miyamoto via the embedded video below. The part that’s relevant to the new Star Fox game starts at 5:33.

[ Via: OnlySP ]

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