As gamers, I think we all love ourselves a good hero or heroine. We like characters who can kick some butt and take some names. There is another group of video game characters that we have loved over the years though. These are women we have loved in a different way than the strong and independent ones like Lara Croft, or FemShep. They are the cute girls! We can hardly stand them, because they are just that adorable. Cute aggression is absolutely a thing, and we feel it big time with these lovely ladies. Without further ado, let’s get to our list of most lovable females in video games.
Princess Zelda – The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
First up is a classic that practically every gamer can agree on, Princess Zelda. She’s gone through lots of appearances over the years. Many might argue that her look in The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker is the cutest she’s ever been. I do agree with that to a point. However, for Zelda, I think she’s been at her most adorable in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild . This is the sweet spot for Zelda between looking realistic and lovely.
Lana – Hyrule Warriors
We’re unintentionally following through the same universe with this next entry in our list. It is Lana from Hyrule Warriors . I can remember when the first trailer for Hyrule Warriors was released, and I was prepared to give Lana waifu status right there. Yup, I went there: waifu status. Her adorable long side ponytail and cutesy purple eyes formed into a wink are pure kawaii perfection.
Kairi – Kingdom Hearts II
The Kingdom Hearts series holds a special place in my heart, as it surely does for many othersl. If there’s ever been a girl who has epitomized that adorable girl-next-door kind of look, it’s gotta be Kairi. Her little pink dress appeals to her girly nature. And her long side-parted hair reminds me of that innocent first crush or love that many probably had in middle school. She’s well and truly earned her place on our list of cute sweethearts.
Rise Kujikawa – Persona 4
There’s something about pigtails that just immediately screams “cute!” Rise Kujikawa from Persona already has an adorable look with her pink and white school girl outfit. But the poofy pigtails and darling pink bow really concretely set the tone. Her look seems reminiscant of Japanese singer idol singers, which she is, and we’re definitely not complaining.
Image Credit: Jen-Jen Rose
Female Character – Pokemon Sun/Moon
As far as I’m concerned, you can’t have a list of sweet looking video game characters without including at least one of the playable girl characters from Pokemon . My favorite has to be the girl from Pokemon Sun and Moon . While I’d never rock a hat like that myself, she manages to pull it off flawlessly. And her slightly too big for her t-shirt with shorts and a cropped haircut are absolutely endearing.
Image Credit: moxie2D
Noel Vermillion – BlazBlue: Calamity Trigger
If there’s a trend to spot in this list, it has to be that cuteness can rely a lot on a character’s eyes. Noel Vermillion from BlazBlue: Calamity Trigger has definitely got that cornered, as her pale green eyes seem worth staring in for hours. The little bit of exposed skin on her shoulders and legs combined with a tie and beret really up the adorable darling factor.
Image Credit: yefri
Dahlia Hawthorne – Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney
Now we’ve finally come to the top of our list. I feel some might be slightly upset by the revelation here since Dahlia Hawthorne is much more than a pretty face. She’s a murderess with a wild streak of rage. Even still, I think we can all admit that she’s possibly the cutest thing we’ve ever seen when she’s got her charm dialed up high. The braids in her hair, the pale pink dress, and the dainty way she holds on to her trademark parasol. The math adds up, and the result is a lovely looking lady.
What do you think of the cute girls listed here? Do you agree with many of them? Is there someone we left out that you absolutely need to share with the world? Sound off in the comments below!