



Anxiety Is Fun in the Fable Legends Stress Fest

Anxiety Is Fun in the Fable Legends Stress Fest

When companies prepare games for final release, they run all softs of open and closed betas to make sure they get everything right. Fable Legends happens to be in one of those closed beta phases right now and has sent out an alert. Starting September 26, the free-to-play game will begin a Stress Fest stress test.

The call has gone out for everyone participating in the Fable Legends closed beta to log in between 12pm PT and 4pm PT. Lionhead Studios and Microsoft want to see how the servers hold up and are hoping all the Xbox One and PC players currently participating will show up.

Fable Legends is expected to be released in 2015. It’s still possible to sign up for the multiplayer beta, if you own a Xbox One or PC and are interested.

Source: Fable Legends

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