



Assassin’s Creed 3DS Is Dead—Long Live Assassin’s Creed Revelations

Assassin’s Creed 3DS Is Dead—Long Live Assassin’s Creed Revelations


A while back, we heard that an Assassin’s Creed game was being made for the 3DS. The game was called Assassin’s Creed: Lost Legacy, which is an appropriate name considering development on the game has been totally discontinued.

Unbisoft writer Darby McDevitt said that the idea for Lost Legacy “kind of morphed” into the idea of Assassin’s Creed: Revelations, the new high-def Assassin’s Creed release that we’ll be seeing next year. Supposedly, most of the ideas that survived from Lost Legacy were the story and setting. Lost Legacy was going to be about Ezio heading to the Holy Land, and lo and behold Assasin’s Creed Revelations is all about Ezio going to the Holy Land.

The gameplay, on the other hand, has pretty much been totally re-worked from the ground up, so you don’t look at this game as some sort of slapped-together port.

Does this mean we won’t ever see an Assassin’s Creed 3DS game? Not necessarily, but if Assassin’s Creed: Revelations end up being a big hit, I’ll be very excited to see what the Assassin’s Creed team can actually do with the 3DS hardware.

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