



Blizzard Running Overwatch Free Weekend on All Platforms

Blizzard Running Overwatch Free Weekend on All Platforms

Next weekend, anyone curious about Overwatch who still hasn’t managed to just pick it up, will be able to try the game for free. By anyone I truly mean anyone, as this free weekend event will be running on every platform Overwatch is available on.

Starting May 26 and running until May 29, Battle.net, PlayStation Plus and Xbox Live Gold members will all be able to download the Overwatch client. Yes, the console versions do require paid membership on their respective services, but Overwatch is online-only so it’s expected to be a moot point.

This version of Overwatch will give players access to the full roster and 14 maps, as well as the level up systems and loot boxes. Players who end up purchasing Overwatch will even be able to retain their progress. However, not every mode of play and feature will be available for free. Blizzard is advertising Quick Play, Custom Games and the Arcade, but doesn’t specify further.

On its blog, Blizzard has all the nitty-gritty anyone could possibly want to participate in the Overwatch free weekend. Global timezones, installation instructions, download size, Q&A and more are all available in the announcement post.

Source: Blizzard

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