



Overwatch’s Sombra ARG Continues to Tease

Overwatch’s Sombra ARG Continues to Tease

Blizzard, just release Sombra for Overwatch already. The company’s latest addition to their ongoing alternate reality game (ARG) came to a head yesterday with yet another teaser for the hotly-anticipated character. Blizzard has been dropping hints about Sombra for months, urging players to decipher various clues that relate to the fictional hacker. Yesterday’s piece of the puzzle, an attack on the fictional website for an in-world Overwatch company, resulted in players uncovering a countdown to BlizzCon 2016. I was following Twitter as the event was unfolding, and it was disheartening to see so many people caught up in the excitement of Sombra’s impending release, only to have the event amount to basically nothing.

Around the same time, a piece of seemingly-official artwork surfaced on Blizzard’s store, depicting Sombra standing on the hand of a giant Omnic. The image was quickly removed, but copies remain available around the net. Was this truly an accident, or was it yet another tease? Who knows?

Honestly, I’m exhausted by the entire song and dance. It was fun for a while, but at this point, I’m mostly annoyed that Blizzard won’t come out and make an official statement. I’m not against the idea behind the ARG – it’s a clever way to keep players invested in the Overwatch universe – I just think it’s too drawn out. Hopefully Sombra is announced at BlizzCon this weekend so I can get on with my life.

Source: Eurogamer

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