Blizzard’s BlizzCons are always a pretty big deal. Tickets sell out super far in advance, as people want to attend the panels, hear about new games and expansions firsthand, see performances, play games, and of course get swag. Each year, attendees get something special, and BlizzCon 2016 is no exception. To help people who are attending or are considering buying a Virtual Ticket that includes a goody bag, Blizzard has shared information about what everyone will be getting.
First, the BlizzCon 2016 goody bag is actually a swag box, probably because this is the convention’s tenth year and the company wants to make a big deal of it. It begins with a commemorative BlizzCon X stein, then continues with an exclusive item for each game. There’s a World of Warcraft faction coaster, a Heroes of the Storm ETC guitar pick keychain, a Hearthstone microfiber cleaning cloth, Overwatch’ s inflatable Reinhardt rocket hammer, a StarCraft II baby overlord antenna topper, and Diablo III gaming dice. It’s really a nice accumulation of things you will not see anywhere else.
But, this comes at a price. The BlizzCon 2016 Virtual Ticket is $39.99. The goody bag is an additional $35 before shipping. You have to think long and hard to decide if these novelties are worth it to you. I’d lean toward no, since the stein and gaming dice are probably the most valuable things there. But who knows. You’ll make the right decision for you.
Source: Blizzard