



Brendan McNamara Consorts With KMM Interactive

Brendan McNamara Consorts With KMM Interactive


A controversial figure in gaming following the implosion of Team Bondi in the wake of L.A. Noire’s release, Brendan McNamara has moved on to George Miller’s KMM Interactive. There, he is reportedly working on a new title: Whore of the Orient.

Though no solid details on the game have been released, the former Team Bondi director has stated that it will tell “one of the great untold stories of the 20th century.” The title, Whore of the Orient, was one given to Shanghai, China when it was a port of call for Western traders.

Could this be a tale of that Shanghai? Its seedy underbelly? McNamara has shown a certain affinity for historical fiction, weaving the Black Dahlia murders into his last game. Does he have something equally poignant to work with this time?

By Shelby Reiches

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