



Team Bondi In Debt

Team Bondi In Debt


After the controversy surrounding Team Bondi’s employment practices , their split from Rockstar , and their eventual closing , what else could go wrong with this company? How about debt?

According to Edge magazine, Team Bondi owes about 1.37 million dollars to its creditors, and more than thirty of these creditors are Team Bondi employees. Brendan McNamara, the Team Bondi boss, is apparently owed $102,000 alone. That’s almost as much money as they owe Depth Analysis, the company that developed the face scan technology for L.A. Noire ($145,000).

What else can possibly go wrong for Team Bondi? Maybe we’ll get a story a few weeks down the line hearing that they were attacked by robot aliens and set on fire.

By Angelo M. D’Argenio

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