



Broken Age 2 Coming in Early 2015

Broken Age 2 Coming in Early 2015

Broken Age 2 , the continuation of the ludicrously successful Double Fine point and click adventure Kickstarter project, now has a release window. The game is slated to release in early 2015, though an official date was not yet given. The game is currently in testable stages, and playtesters are taking between 8 and 12 hours to complete the game.

“The goal now is to get all the finale work done so we can hit Alpha on all of Act 2 by the end of the year. That means, as you may have guessed based on recent updates and documentary episodes, the Act 2 ship that will deliver the complete adventure is now looking like it will be early next year.”

Broken Age Act 1 was an interesting point and click adventure that simply ended before any real progress on the story could be made. Hopefully act 2 could answer some of the questions that Act 1 left us with.

Source: Double Fine

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